
How to Seal Off Bathtub Overflow: The 6 Most Effective Methods

Few things are better than relaxing and unwinding in a warm bath after a long day of work. But what if the bathtub overflow doesn’t let you enjoy the relaxation you deserve?

Fortunately, there are several ways to seal off bathtub overflow. You can use a chrome plate, plumber’s putty, overflow drain cover, stopper, new gasket, or waterproof tape.

How to Seal Off Bathtub Overflow

If you notice your tub is leaking or getting a lot of water outside of the tub—and you’re not taking baths the way Calvin does in Calvin and Hobbes—you’re likely experiencing overflow. Here are six DIY methods you can try to solve the issue.

1. Use a Plumber’s Putty

A plumber’s putty is soft and pliable, so you can easily apply it to the overflow hole. The putty will harden shortly after application, ensuring no leaks occur.

Clean the overflow hole with a rag or paper towel before applying the putty. This will ensure that no debris around the overflow hole could affect its ability to seal properly. Also, consider drying the surface so you don’t place the putty on a wet place.

Apply a thin layer of the putty around the edges of the overflow opening on your tub drain. The best way to do this is by using a toothpick or other small tool dipped into some water first. This will help prevent any excess from sticking to other parts of your tub or sink area as you work with it.

Press firmly over your overflow opening with your fingers until you feel it has good contact with both sides of this opening and with all edges.

2. Cover With a Chrome Plate

The chrome plate is the most popular and effective way to seal off a bathtub overflow. It is an aluminum or steel disc that you place over the drain opening of your bathtub to prevent water from flowing through it. The chrome plate has a flange that goes into the drain hole and a lip that encircles the perimeter of the opening.

To use a chrome plate on your bathtub overflow, ensure there’s no standing water in your tub before installing it. If you have standing water, empty it with a bucket or other container.

Then, remove your old bathtub drain plug and use a screwdriver or pliers to clean any gunk out of it. Then insert your chrome plate into the drain hole and tighten it down with pliers or an adjustable wrench until it’s snugly in place. Wait about 24 hours for everything to settle before turning on your shower again.

A chrome plate is worth it if you have a leaky bathtub overflow! It’s inexpensive and easy to install, so there’s no reason not to try one.

3. Use an Overflow Drain Cover

An overflow drain cover is designed to help you seal off your bathtub overflow. It’s sold in various styles, and you can use it to replace the original drain cover in your tub. The most common type is metal, but plastic versions are also available.

Installing an overflow drain cover is simple. First, remove any existing plugs over your bathtub drain’s opening. Take care not to lose the pieces when removing them from their positions. Also, you must keep track of them to put them back in if you need to.

Next, place your new overflow drain cover over the top of this opening and push down firmly until it clicks into place securely. The process might take some effort, depending on which brand you have.

4. Install a New Gasket

A gasket is a flexible material that seals the connection between two pieces of metal or plastic. To seal off the bathtub overflow using a new gasket, you’ll need to remove the old gasket and clean the area before applying the new one. 

Ensure the water supply lines in and out of your bathtub are disconnected. Then, remove the overflow plate by unscrewing it from its mounting bracket. Clean all surfaces with soap and water before installing your new gasket. Finally, replace the overflow plate and secure it back into place with screws or bolts.

It’s worth it to freshen up your bathroom with a new gasket if you notice your tub leaks around the overflow pipe. The gasket will help keep water from leaking from your drain and onto your floor.

5. Seal With an Overflow Stopper

An overflow stopper is a small device that can be put in place to keep water from pouring out of the faucet when it is turned on. The device allows you to use more water in the tub and avoid flooding. It can also help prevent mold and mildew from developing on your floor.

To use an overflow stopper, first turn off the water valve that supplies water to your drain. Next, unscrew the rod of your overflow stopper and push it into place over the drain hole. Close off access to this hole by placing a plug or cover over it. Remove any excess water that has accumulated inside the overflow piece prior to installation. Finally, turn on all faucets connected to your bathtub so that water will begin flowing through them.

6. Use a Waterproof Tape

Are you looking for a fast and reliable way to seal a bathtub overflow? If so, consider using waterproof tape. Waterproof tape is a thin strip of plastic or rubber that comes in various widths and thicknesses.

When installing new pipes or other plumbing fixtures, plumbers and homeowners use it to seal off an overflow hole. The tape will stretch over any holes to prevent leaks during use.

To use waterproof tape effectively, cut off a piece of the tape using scissors or a utility knife. You can then place the piece over the opening. It should be wide enough to cover all sides without sticking past them. Finally, press down firmly on both sides of the tape until it sticks securely onto its surface. 

Why Is an Overflow Drain Important for a Bathtub?

A bathtub needs an overflow drain so water doesn’t get all over the floor. Since bathtubs are notorious for their high water levels that can often be a nuisance, using an overflow drain helps avoid potential damage or injuries.

Another reason for having an overflow drain is safety. If you have kids in the house, it’s crucial to have an overflow drain installed. If they accidentally get into the bathtub, they’ll have a reduced risk of water injury or drowning.

What Causes Bathtub Overflow to Leak?

There are several potential causes of a bathtub overflow leak, but most of the time, it’s because of a loose connection. If that connection is dislodged, the overflow might leak. This can result from everyday wear and tear or too much force when tightening the connections.

Another cause of a bathtub overflow leak is a crack in the piping that leads to the tub. These cracks can develop over time, allowing water to leak. This type of leak is often more difficult to find. It only occurs when water pressure builds up behind the crack and releases through it when the pressure is released elsewhere.


As you can see, there are various methods to help you seal off a bathtub overflow. Typically, you’ll want to choose one that best meets your needs and the needs of your bathtub. Remember, no one way is the best. Before you get started, take a moment to consider which option works best for you. You’ll have an upgraded tub in no time!